Our team reflects the diversity of the families we serve, and the broad knowledge base of our doulas and lactation consultants provides comprehensive wrap-around care for newborns and their parents. Skilled feeding support, postpartum healing, infant development, perinatal yoga and sleep coaching are just a few of the many skills our team members bring to the table.

Adrienne Fuson (she/her)

Brita Johnson (she/her)

Carri Boulanger (she/her)

Erica Cianni (she/her)

Katherine Geis (she/her)

Krystle Gard (she/her)

Merriah Fairchild (she/her)

Raylea Case (she/her)

Sarah Longwell (she/her)

Anne Heaps (she/her)

Calina Selmanson (she/her)

Catherine Braxton (she/they)

Jessica Goetz (she/her)

Katie Alexander (she/her)

Leonie Alaeddine (she/her)

Mindy Baldwin (she/her)

Sabrina Gay (she/her)

Sasha Wright (she/her)

Brenda Kirkpatrick (she/her)

Camilla Rae (she/they)

Danielle Hanna (she/her)

Julisa Warren (she/her)

Katrina Rogers (she/her)

Melissa Curry (she/her)

Rachel Benak (she/her)

Sarah Hope (she/her)

Whitney Handrich (she/her)