SUPPORT GROUPS & Parenting classes portland, oregon
Looking for parenting classes Portland? You’re in the right place! There’s a lot to learn about having a new baby or babies! Our parenting classes and support groups, rated number one in Portland on Yelp provide a launch pad - and a soft landing - as you plan your postpartum experience, prepare for your feeding journey, figure out tricks for parenting multiples, and process the joys and challenges of early parenthood. We’re delighted to be your companions and supporters as you climb the learning curve.

“The first few (many) months of motherhood were messy and the Nurturing Circle was the nest to which I always returned. Within the group I felt seen, heard, understood and loved. I felt safe. I am infinitely grateful for Brita's warm guidance, the other parents and doulas, and all of the experts who contributed to this nurturing experience.”
— Karen O., first time mom

About support groups & parenting classes Portland
We offer a range of in person support groups & parenting classes in the greater Portland metropolitan area, as well as virtual classes for those who don’t want to travel, or don’t live on the doorstep. From support groups for those experiencing challenges as they build their families, to classes for families expecting multiples, our experienced Doula & Lactation Consultant teams share all of the knowledge & support you need wherever you’re at in the adventure! Click the links below to jump to what you’re most interested in, or browse through to find the perfect fit!
Support Groups for Parents in Portland & Online
From the moment you decide to become a parent support is a indespensible part of the journey. Whether your journey to parenthood is smooth or challenging, or you’re adding your first or fifth baby to the family we have a support group for you. Taking place in the Portland metropolitan area, and online - check out our parent support groups below.
Nurturing Circle For Growing Families (online)
Camaraderie and counsel to ease the parenting journey, from the prenatal period through toddlerhood. Facilitated by Bridgetown Baby doulas and lactation consultants.
Tuesdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm on Zoom.
No cost, open to families anywhere.
New Parent Sharing Circle (in person)
In conjunction with Ready Set Grow, this group offers conversation and connection around the ups and downs of the postpartum year. For babies and their caregivers, from the prenatal period through 12 months of age.
Wednesdays, 10:30am-12:00pm.
No cost; optional donation supports yoga access for all families.
Resolve Support Group for Infertility and Alternative Family Building
This group is a welcoming space for anyone experiencing challenges in building the family they desire. Join an experienced facilitator to process emotions and share resources in a safe, non-judgmental container.
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom.
No cost, open to families anywhere.
Virtual Parenting Classes
Sometimes the best way to learn is on your own time in your own space.
Our virtual parenting classes cover a range of common newborn topics to support you to feel prepared to bring your baby home for the first time.
Newborn Care 101
While there is no official handbook on babies, this extremely thorough cliff notes version is close. Learn all the basics for caring for your infant in the first postpartum month. Can be viewed as a self-paced module or taken in person with a live instructor.
Newborn Feeding Basics
This class will prepare you to feed your baby with confidence! This recorded class offers a self-paced virtual tour of the basics you need to get you and your baby off to a great start.
In Person Parenting Classes in Portland
Our Portland based parenting classes see our doula’s come to you in the comfort of your own home to help you and your partner prepare for bringing a new baby (or babies!) into your family. Ask all of your questions & get tailored support from one of our wonderful postpartum doula team.
Partner Package
In this 2-3 hour in-person consult, a Bridgetown Baby postpartum doula will discuss general infant care and soothing techniques that work well for partners, and help to strategize ways to make sure everyone one in the family enjoys time to rest and bond.
Newborn Care Essentials
This in-home private class is personalized to provide you with practical information and helpful tools to nurture the unique needs of your baby and your growing family.
Twins 101
This in person class will prepare you to manage the chaos and the joy of welcoming multiples. Gather tangible knowledge, get advice and start creating your plan for a supported, confident 4th trimester.

Parent With Confidence
Up your game with parenting resources, support and special
offers delivered straight to your inbox each month.