2023 Mamas Day Campaign: Let’s Expand Access to Doula Care

Artwork donated by Jessica Swift

At Bridgetown Baby, we believe we are an interconnected, powerful force for good in the world. Each Mother’s Day, we bring our community together to support an effort that is making life better for families.

This year we are excited to partner with Portland New Family Fund. PNFF provides financial support to low income families for birth doula, postpartum doula, and newborn feeding care.

For any family, welcoming a new baby brings a host of potential stressors, particularly in the United States where we lack universal parental leave, affordable daycare and preschool, and where maternal health outcomes rank worst among the world’s wealthy countries.

The families served by Portland New Family Fund face extra challenges: systemic racism, poverty-induced trauma, addiction history, financial limitations and more.

When you make a tax-deductible gift to PNFF, you’re ensuring that vulnerable families in Portland get a strong start for a healthy lifetime, including:

  • decreased preterm labor and low birth weight

  • 50% decrease in cesarean births

  • increased parent satisfaction after birth

  • decreased risk of postpartum anxiety and depression

  • increased parent/baby bonding

  • increased initiation and longer duration of breast/chest feeding

Images courtesy of Portland New Family Fund

Each of us at Bridgetown Baby believes that all families deserve the benefits that come from comprehensive doula care and feeding support.

This is why we are partnering with PNFF, to do our part in providing a wraparound model of birth, postpartum and lactation support for families in need. PNFF compensates all birth professionals at a living wage, making this model of care equitable and sustainable for caregivers and the families they serve.

Please give today. Join us in raising $5000 for PNFF this spring, to make an immediate, tangible difference in maternal and neonatal health outcomes for Portland families.

With love and thanks,

Your Bridgetown Baby Team


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