Here’s What to Do When Your Baby Has the Hiccups

Along with the typical grunts, squeaks, and cries that accompany a newborn baby, parents may also notice their babies get hiccups from time to time (or quite often!). This is normal! Hiccups are a reflex in the diaphragm muscle that begins in utero as a baby’s respiratory system develops, along with sucking and swallowing. You may have noticed a slight fluttering sensation in utero starting when your baby was around 4-6 months’ gestation, a sign that your baby was hiccupping in the womb.

Typically, babies are not bothered by hiccups and are able to maintain normal eating while experiencing them. Hiccups are very common in babies and may delay them in going to sleep, but often resolve quickly - baby hiccups tend to stop when they get sleepy enough and their muscles relax! Sometimes parents are more troubled by hiccups than their baby is - if your baby is experiencing hiccups, chances are they will go away on their own. 

That said - while there is no one tried and true method for how to stop hiccups in newborns - if you’d like to help prevent baby hiccups and soothe them when your baby seems fussy and has hiccups, Bridgetown Baby’s postpartum doulas have some strategies you can try.

Strategies for soothing infant hiccups

Reduce air swallowed while feeding

Some babies have bouts of hiccups during feedings or shortly after. It’s possible that this is caused by swallowing excess air that causes pressure on the diaphragm. Here are some ways to release excess air and stop hiccups at feeding time.

Slow down your baby’s feeding 

If your baby is eating too quickly, they may not have time to exhale before swallowing. Offering a paced bottle feed could help prevent hiccups in babies when using a bottle. You can also burp bottle-fed babies every time they finish .5-1 ounce of breastmilk or formula to help prevent your baby's hiccups. If you are nursing and a fast milk flow is causing your baby to eat quickly, help them take breaks and consider working with a lactation consultant if hiccups interfere with daily activities or hiccups are bothering you or your baby.

Get the right nipple size for your baby to get a good latch

Whether you feed your baby with a bottle or from the breast/chest or offer a combination of both, a good latch and an appropriately sized bottle nipple may help make a difference in terms of managing newborn hiccups. Bridgetown Baby’s lactation consultants are experts in supporting a successful and healthy feeding relationship at any stage in your baby’s development.

Burp your baby as needed

If your baby does tend to swallow air during feedings, they may need help to release that trapped gas. Many babies burp well if placed against your chest and shoulder and patted gently on their back. Another favorite position of postpartum doulas: seat the baby upright on your lap and gently pat their back. Offering a burp mid-feed and at the end of a feed can help stop newborn hiccups and spit up. 

Help your baby stay calm

Hiccups may be triggered by overstimulation in babies, especially preemies. If you notice your baby is becoming unsettled, or showing other signs of stress such as grimacing or avoiding eye contact, it may just mean there’s too much happening in their environment. You can help your baby regulate their nervous system by offering a quiet cuddle, some babywearing time, or other sensory calming tricks like white noise or offering a pacifier if you’re using one.

Keep your baby upright after feeding

Holding your baby upright for 10-20 minutes after a feeding can help mitigate reflux and hiccups.

Knowing that infant hiccups happen and are normal can reduce parental stress, while the approaches above to get rid of baby hiccups can increase your baby’s comfort. This one example speaks to a larger truth: with a little bit of knowledge and a handful of resources, you and your baby can both be supported as you move through the challenges, big and small, of early life together.


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