Resources for Raising Race-Conscious Kids: October Edition


As an agency, Bridgetown Baby is deeply committed both to confronting bias within ourselves and dismantling the systemic racism that literally and figuratively stifles the potential of our BIPOC* community members. The work starts with us; it continues with our children - and we are their most important teachers. Each month, we'll be sharing resources for talking with kids about bias and celebrating differences.

This month, we're highlighting A is For Activist, because if this year has shown us anything, it's that we must be the change we want to see. This book shares stories and images of diverse individuals whose compassion and action will inspire the littlest among our littles to know their power and change the world.

You can purchase this sweet book, and support a Black-owned business while you do it - here.

*Black, Indigenous, and People of Color


Social Justice Focus: Actions We are Loving Right Now


Celebrating Our 6th Birthday With a New Look!