New Resolutions: Letting Go, Instead of Holding Tight
by Candice Schutter
Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future. ~ Daphne Rose Kingma
To resolve is to find a solution to something; solution is from the Latin word: ‘solvere’ which means ‘to loosen.’
And yet most of us spend our time crafting New Year’s resolutions that tighten our grip on expectations, only reinforcing our sense of so-called failure when we don’t adhere to a prophetic forecasting for the year ahead.
What if the solution isn’t about holding-tight?
What if it’s about letting go?
When I say ‘letting go’, I speak of more than transient delights. Go deeper. What map will you shred that no longer serves you? What drama will you untangle yourself from that distracts you from living large?
We must reach in the direction of where we want to go. And we must also check ourselves; free energy from the habitual hustle toward more of the same. When we loosen our hold on the status quo, we experience the liberation of energy (aka: motivation) to actually move toward what moves us in the year ahead.
Growth is equal parts doing & undoing.
Resolution requires action AND conscious redirection away from what no longer serves our ever-evolving intentions. Visions rarely manifest without action. And conversely, inauthentic (outdated) 'solutions' have a very hard time dissolving into our everyday lives when they aren't in-sync with who we've become. Sometimes we have to release something that's long defined us, and suffer through the pain of its loss in order to find a more honest and lasting fulfillment in the days ahead.
Transformation invites us to challenge reflexive approaches to goal-setting. To find new ways of responding to our desires that will support us as we move through hesitation, fear, and anxiety.
January 2019 | Journal Invitation
What do you desire in the year ahead?
(take inventory: body, mind/emotions, soul)
What will you have to let go of to make this possible?
(emotional patterns, outdated dramas, beliefs)
Who will you become as a result of this liberation?
(describe the you that is free-to-be, per this letting-go)
What type of support will you need?
(resources you will need along the way)
How will you start?
(1st action item)
If you'd like inspiration and support around your vision for 2019, contact Candice Schutter at for information about individual coaching and online courses.